Traffic from the United States (US) is an important factor for approval of any advertising companies like AdSense, BuySellAds,, and many others. So I would list some secret tips on how to drive traffic from the USA to your blog. You enter into blogging as a part of earning or sharing your knowledge with this world. But whatever might be the reason for your entry into blogging, you need traffic.

Traffic will lead your money, that is also known as Success Carrier in blogging. Yes, when I applied for yahoo and bing contextual ads, they simply mailed me that I don’t have good traffic from the US. So thinking of getting traffic from the United States and the United Kingdom. I have some secret tips that drive good traffic from other countries.

Tips to Target Traffic From the US To Your Blog​

TLD ( Top Level Domain ) Name​

TLD‘s have good respect from search engines as well as advertisers. Most of advertiser love to have their product advertisement in TLD ( .com .net .org ) sites. They hate country-specific domain names ( in ). Advertisers don’t want their product to get settled for a specific country. So using Top-Level Domain has many advantages. Google and other famous search engines always have good SERP (Search Engine Rank Position) for good top-level domain. So pick a good domain name. Trust me don’t compromise for the country-level domain. If you do so, one day you surely feel about this wrong decision.

Niche Matters​

On what is your blog? The topic chosen to blog is Niche. Niche plays the most prominent role when compared to domain names. So niche selection is also a must to have good traffic. Be smart in choosing a good niche. Before you select your niche, these two points are a must. Firstly, choose what you know. You should blog on what you have good knowledge of. Secondly, think about whether the selected niche is useful to the public or not? This question gives you an answer to why you don’t good traffic.

Location of Server​

Is Server location important to get traffic from the US? Why not..!? Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines filter search results according to user locations. When a user uses google in INDIA(, most results displayed are filtered by two factors, server location and domain extension ( .in ). That is the reason why you don’t have good traffic from the US if you host your blog in local countries. Server location is important when compared to domain extension. Domain extension may or may not be used in this case.

Useful Posts to Americans​

American traffic is attracted only when you write useful blog posts for Americans. How could the US traffic be attracted to your blog, if you don’t have useful content for Americans? So always look at what American bloggers need. Make more useful, more depth, more essential content to attract traffic from America ( United States ).

Guest Posting on US Niche Related Blogs​

The ultimate way to generate quality backlinks with traffic to your blog is by writing a guest post on US blogs. Write quality blog posts and get backlinks + Traffic from the US easily. This is an easy method to get traffic from the United States. Increasing more traffic from the USA would be easy with these tricks, but remember always choose a good blog from the United States, which has more user involvement for posting your articles.

Commenting on US Blogs​

I have a special post on the benefits of commenting on other blogs. Do read it first. Commenting helps in two ways. Backlinks and Traffic. Backlinks are part of SERP and the popularity of websites. Do user/Blog Owners need to know why should you comment on other blogs? I was not good at commenting at the start of blogging but now I learned the way to comment on other blogs. Choose comment Luv enabled blogs and target US blogs to comment and get backlinks from them. This helps in trust and traffic from the US.

Join Communities all over the world​

Blogging communities should be a target for new bloggers and pro bloggers. Blogging communities have thousands of members all over the world. If you get good votes for your post and appear on the homepage of any blogging community site then no doubt your blog traffic would increase surely. But here I can’t keep my promise about traffic from the US. Because the traffic might be anywhere else. But I think mostly your blog traffic from the US also increases.

Target Facebook US Friends​

You will know about Facebook traffic Facebook massive traffic to your blog with proper usage. Facebook best way to develop connections with people all over the world. So I do suggest making friends with people from the united states. Don’t make relations with people who are not related to your niche or not familiar with the word “logging”.

Those won’t help you. Ask your friends to like your post and share them. Join Facebook groups. Before joining check whether that Facebook group is spam-free and active with quality content and also people from the US. This is also applicable to twitter to get good traffic. Also, the note is active in StumbleUpon and Reddit to get traffic from the US. These are the best social media sites that help to get USA traffic quickly. So don’t neglect these. Use Facebook, Twitter, and google+ effectively. They too help you.

United States Directory Submission​

You can also submit your blog to US directories. But probably you need to target and yahoo directories as they are best to get good traffic and value to your blog. The website listed in Dmoz and yahoo has good user engagement and advertisement offers.

Killer Point to Kill above points (On-Page SEO)​

Using effective on-page SEO techniques then no doubt, above mentioned tips gets vanished and you don’t need to read this post. Good On-Page SEO is a killer technique to get huge traffic to your blog. On-Page SEO has its own more importance than any other SEO factor. A good blogger with the best on-page SEO surely gets good traffic from the united states. From Editor Desk: A simple guide on How to get traffic from the USA? Is what, you get an answer for your question on how to drive traffic from the united states to my blog?

Target and getting traffic from the United States should be done by every blogger, to get success in blogging. Many money-making websites all over the world check traffic from the USA. So it is a must. Doing a good on-page SEO with targeting short keywords is enough to attain targets from the united states. Monetizing websites should have good traffic from the United States.

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